July 3, 2007

The Trial - The Judge

If the entire mankind was on trial for crimes against life on Earth and you were the judge:

  1. For what reason/ground would you choose not to convict mankind?
    [Greatest of the deeds / qualities]

  2. For what would you blame mankind the most?
    [Greatest of the crimes]

Leave your comment.


  1. Who is the accused ? Me (one human) or the entire mankind viewed as a single entity ?

    Anyway all the crimes against life on Earth were done because the humans tried to survive the easy way. For example it's much easier to go somewhere by car than going by foot, it's much easier to destroy a forest and make a wheat field than going to hunt everyday, it’s much easier to burn oil to obtain energy... And you need energy for your home, for your job...
    no energy -> no job -> no money -> no food -> death = critical error.
    no home and winter comes -> death = critical error.

    You’ll probably say: „what about alternative energy ?” Well... it’s not enough, there are too many humans.

    So, all the crimes against life on Earth were done because I wanted to survive. Tell me a way to get food and energy without destroying life on Earth and I’ll do it that way.

    One human, part of the life on Earth

  2. I see 2 problems:
    1) we want to survive easily
    2) we do not respect (enough?!) 'things' given to us

  3. Adi, I want to add something.
    People have a very aggressive side. They don't just do things because they search for a simpler way to survive. Sometimes they do it because they need to feel better. Better about themselfs, or just better..powerfull, etc etc. Remember, we are the only animals (or maybe I'm wrong here and there is another species) who kill for pleasure. That should mean something.


  4. 1) I'd choose not to convict mankind for Beethoven, for Bach, for Michelangelo, for Jesus, for Buddha. For love and creativity.
    2) But I'd convict the mankind for egoism, for ignorance and for fanatism, for the thought of humans being superior and for the greediness.
