December 18, 2006

The other eye

Thousands of years have passed... the war on terror is long now forgotten, and the Eye is not even a myth today. But that was not the end of Sauron, as Sauron had another Eye!!!

Well what did you expect? Like any normal humanoid, Sauron had indeed, not more, nor less than exactly two eyes. And what an Eye that was (the other eye that is). Sauron had an Eye for FASHION!!! my dear friends. So after the right evil revengeful obsessed with conquering the world Eye was gone, it was time for the left and pretty fashionable Eye to express its feelings and leave its mark on the world.

The eyes were forever talking to each other, but the right eye never listened, so to no surprise, the left Eye saw the ending of the right eye. And the one eyed ring-less that's left of Sauron, came up with a genius plan. It was time for orcs to shine in the face of the... argh!!!... pretty elves. Soon there was a pirate patch on the top of the black tower, which was later demolished to make room for other fancy buildings, and next to it a tall and very very slim pink tower was immediately built. Orcs were now to wear dresses, shave, use toothpaste three times a day, use make up and instead of the old obsession with the rings (that was so last era), Sauron's Eye for Fashion ordered all kinds of pieces of jewelry to be created: from necklaces to foot bracelets.

Of course, all of them were enchanted, but Sauron's eye for fashion had a different idea about how to rule the world. He created trusts and corporations selling luxury items; advertising, marketing, consumers and desire; forever altering the eye-to-eye communication. It was soon that the pretty orcs dressed in pink and anorexic, created a standard of beauty that embarrassed even the most beautiful of the elves. Posters with the new orc models were everywhere these days. Even halflings were having wet dreams with every new model of the orc world, and they were not even sure the model was a man or a woman. It didn't matter anyway!!! So much beauty...

Dwarves offered to work for free to extract the gold out of Mordor's mountains, and get the closest possible glimpse to the orc world. Deep inside their souls, they were hopping that Sauron's eye for fashion will see them at some point and help them emancipate for the ... well after the orcs where not that ugly anymore, the dwarves were now, the ugliest of them all. Too said they spend all their time in caves, because Sauron's eye for fashion never saw them, and they forever went in history as the ugliest race of them all, ever to see the face of this Earth.

Shamed, the not-anymore-prettiest-of-the-world elves, saw no other option, but board boats claiming to travel over the western ocean to the ending of the world, where the beauty of the orcs could not remind them anymore about their failure as true blonds. Only thousands of years later were archaeologists to discover that the elves were so in love with the orc fashion, that all their bots were stashed with Sauron's jewelry, each boat so heavy, that all of them sank.

Time passed by, the eye went old and died. There was no more fashion guru in the world, dwarves had too much pride to bare the thought that they will never be prettier, so they all committed suicide. The orc society collapsed without the dwarven slaves, and most of them died of hunger. I guess dressing and makeup skills didn't help their cooking, amazingly they forgot what food is made from, and that animals are for eating not for the zoo or pets. Halflings lost their ability to reproduce to the nightly wet dreams of orc models, elves sank with their greed for beauty and gold and the only ones left were the humans.

A long, very long time had to pass in human evolution, for the miracle of Sauron's eye for fashion to be reborn. And longer than that, took archaeologists to understand this weird twist in Middle-earth history. But it all came down to the ever-watching eye that couldn't stand so much bad taste and ugliness, after all, it was ever-watching. Sauron's eye's for fashion was just looking for... something beautiful to look at for its own inner joy!


  1. with a little bit of polish this could evolve into a cute story. who knows, maybe even into a movie one day :P

  2. Hehe, mie mi se pare foarte bună povestea aşa cum este. Mai lungă ar fi fost plictisitoare. Este exact genul de twist care nu are nici în clin nici în mînecă cu LoTRul, şi efectul e dezastruos.
    Raul, te-ai oprit la timp, înainte să devină plictisitor, Şi a fost al naibii de distractiv textul :)) Nota 10 ;)
