November 11, 2002


I am nowhere near,
Still I can almost hear
and sense your fear.

My love is mere,
Since you are not here
To make me cheer.

This is not the day,
That God answers my pray:
"My fear away!"

I ask you to stay,
There is no rule to obey,
Stop my pain, you may!

Will you be near?
To take all of my fear,
Will you stay here?


  1. I never liked the fixed form poem. I feel that while it has the melody of rhyme, it lacks the poetry of thoughts.
    But, beyond form, your poem is flawless. I knew about this, although you hid from me ;) I knew that you were a hope-powered machine, not the cruel, blank and formless working machine you showed to everyone...

  2. I guess I never cared about the form, as I never wrote for others to read. So I am with you on "I never liked the fixed form", but it's just the way this "poem" came to be.
